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2024-12-19: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) continues to spread

Important message as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) continues to spread across our nation and state

There are no United States-approved HPAI tests,  for use with poultry, available to backyard poultry keepers.  Please do NOT buy such tests, nor think using a test made for cattle, is appropriate for your flock.

As always, if you have unexplained illness in your flock, contact:

2024-02-20: PHI Meet & Greet with Dr. Bradley - 2/23, Fresno

       Dr. Bradley will be available for questions Fri., Feb. 23rd at the Greater California Show in Fresno.   Stop by the Gem & Mineral Bldg, Big Fresno Fairgrounds, between 5 & 7 PM.   Bring any PHI Program questions, as well as any contact information updates.

2023-10-30: HPAI positive cases in Monterey & Merced counties

                 Oct. 30, 2023

Urgent:  After 2+ months of being free of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), California has a positive case.  The last case was a detection in wild birds in Monterey county.  The current case involves a commercial flock in Merced county.

While the HPAI risks from migrating waterfowl have long been known, more and more wild bird species are being infected with virus.   All poultry owners must increase their biosecurity efforts.

2023-02-08: Drop-in opportunity for PHIs

     I will be judging at the Greater California Society of Poultry Fanciers Show on Sat., Feb. 25th.   I will be spending the day in the Gem & Mineral Bldg. (Big Fresno Fairgrouinds), first with Poultry Showmanship and then with the Avian Bowl State Qualifier.   Any PHIs who have a question or want to catch up, are welcome to drop by the Gem & Mineral Bldg and chat AFTER the conclusion of Avian Bowl (probably ~ 3 PM).

2022-10-25: More confirmed HPAI cases

       My thanks to United Egg Producers (UEP) for sharing the following.   Over the past 6 days, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has reported 26 confirmations of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).   Most of the confirmations were from backyard flocks.    The fall migration is continuing.    All bird owners should assume that the virus is present in wild birds.

2022-08-20: Positive HPAI cases and the counties impacted, continues to increase

      Thanks to our State Veterinarian, Dr. Jones, for keeping us informed.   Cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) unfortunately are on the increase.  They are no longer restricted to wild birds, backyard flocks have tested positive as well.  I will continue to tell my readers what I have been saying for decades:  protect your birds - keep them under a solid cover!  

       From Dr. Jones:

2022-07-21: Alert - HPAI is in California

     Dr. Annette Jones, our State Veterinarian, informed me today that HPAI has been confirmed in a WILD Canada goose in Sonoma County.   This is addition to positives in wild waterfowl in Colusa County.  Keep your birds indoors or under a SOLID cover.

             -Dr. Bradley

2022-04-04: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) cases getting closer to California

    Thanks to Kevin Simmons (National Poultry Improvement Plan Coordinator, Arkansas) I am able to share this map with you.   No longer are the confirmed cases far, far away.   You can easily see that there are new cases in the west.   Please also note that BACKYARD and commercial flocks alike are being infected.   I will say it again: keep your birds under solid cover and practice the best biosecurity you can.

2022-03-03: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) update

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)  is now on our coast.   The OIE (also known as the World Organization for Animal Health) has confirmed that HPAI  has been isolated on the west coast of the United States.   A bald eagle that died in Vancouver, BC was positive for HPAI.

2022-02-21: HPAI update

The following information from United Egg Producers has just been shared with me.  You may be under the false impression that HPAI is only hitting commercial poultry.  This is NOT the case, as New York has just experienced.  – Dr. Bradley

“The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a non-commercial backyard flock (non-poultry) in Suffolk County, New York.”